 Character Quotes:

“But it was Penny’s safety that had ultimately convinced Philip to fly the coop. It was because of Penny he had enlisted the help of his old high school buddies; and it was because of Penny he had set out for Atlanta, where, according to the news, refugee centers were being set up. It was all because of Penny. Penny is all that Philip Blake has left. She is the only thing keeping him going-the only salve on his wounded soul.” (Page 11)

The paragraph describes Philip’s important relationship with his daughter Penny. Philip shares a very strong bond of love with Penny and will stop at nothing to protect her from any danger presented in this disastrous setting; for she is ‘all that Philip Blake has left’.

“Streetlights shine through the cracks in the fence, the moving shadows breaking the beams at irregular intervals, making the light strobe, making Philip crazy. He hears the silent voice in his head- the same voice that had made itself known after Sarah had died: ‘Burn the place down, burn the whole fucking world down’.” (Page 48)

This paragraph illuminates a great expanse of Philip’s dark past. It seems as though ever since the death of Sarah, who might have been his wife or another dearly loved relative, Philip has been bottling a great surge of anger within him.  This is the first sign in the novel that reveals the internal conflict within the depths of Philip’s mind.

Character License Plate:

This license plate is for Philip’s daughter Penny. The word “away” is a code word used between Penny and her uncle Brian. In many situations in which their group encounters zombies, he says the word as a signal for Penny to close her eyes and cover her ears. In the initial establishment of the “secret code word”, Brian said to her, “Whenever I give you the secret code, I want you to remember that there’s gonna come a day when you won’t have to hide your eyes anymore. There’s gonna come a day when everything’s all better, and there won’t be any more sick people. Got that?”

Brian asks her to pick the word of her choice, and “for the first time since the plague had begun, a glimmer of hope kindles in her enormous eyes”. 

“The secret code word’s gonna be away,” she concludes with a joyfully.

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